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Hybrid Event

19th - 20th August 2025 | Suva, Fiji

International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ICEORS - 25)









Invitation Letter

The invitation letter serves as confirmation that the conference organizers have received your paper submission and registration request. It is provided in English to assist with visa applications, but please note that it does not guarantee a visa.

To request an invitation letter, please email us to conference@sciencenet.co with your completed Registration Form, Payment Proof, Passport Size Photo, and Passport Scan copy.

Please keep in mind that the processing time for visa applications varies and is outside of our control. Therefore, we recommend that you start the application process as early as possible.

We regret to inform you that we will not be able to appeal visa application decisions made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or engage with them on your behalf.