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Hybrid Event

20th - 21st October 2025 | Dhaka, Bangladesh

International Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (ICOOLS - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Advanced laser sources, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy
    Applied nonlinear optics
    Atom interferometry
    Atomic and molecular laser spectroscopy
    Biophotonics and Nanophotonics
    Cold Atoms and Molecules
    Cold collisions and cold molecules
    Degenerate gases, BECs, cold Fermions
    Fiber amplifiers, lasers, sensors and devices
    Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics
    High Power Laser Technology and High Energy Density Physics
    High-Field and High-Energy Lasers
    High-Field Physics and Attosciences
    Information Optics, Optical Storage and Displays
    Infrared and THz technology, and Astrophotonics
    Integrated and Guided-Wave Optics and Thin Film Optics
    Laser Beam Control
    Laser Chemistry, Biophotonics and Applications
    Laser cooling and trapping
    Laser Metrology and Remote Sensing