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Hybrid Event

16th - 17th October 2025 | Nassau, Bahamas

International Conference on Online Marketing for Businesses (ICOMB - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Online marketing
    Business in social networking websites
    Communication for online marketing
    Social customer relationship management
    Business through mobile phones
    Strategies in online marketing
    Public relations and online marketing
    Benefits of online marketing
    The impacts of online marketing on economy
    Implications of online marketing on traditional advertising
    Marketing techniques
    Social media content planning
    Social media for content promotion
    Social media for reputation and brand management
    Integrated marketing communications
    Internet marketing
    Social media optimization
    Public relations and social media marketing
    Benefits of internet marketing
    Implications of internet marketing on traditional advertising
    The impacts of social media marketing on economy
    Advertising on the net, internet branding, security/privacy issues