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Hybrid Event

13th - 14th September 2025 | Crete, Greece

International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering (ICCARVE - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Control Science and Engineering
    Adaptive control
    Robust control
    Process control
    Complex systems
    Co-operative control
    Identification and estimation
    Nonlinear systems
    Intelligent systems
    Discrete event systems
    Hybrid systems
    Networked control systems
    Sensor network systems
    Delay systems
    Neural networks
    Fuzzy systems
    Control of biological systems
    Precision motion control
    Control applications
    Control engineering education

    Automation Science and Engineering
    Man-machine interactions
    Process automation
    Intelligent automation
    Factory modeling and simulation
    Home, laboratory and service automation
    Network-based systems
    Planning, scheduling and coordination
    Nano-scale automation and assembly
    Instrumentation systems
    Biomedical instrumentation and applications

    Robotics Science and Engineering
    Modeling and identification
    Robot control
    Mobile robotics
    Mobile sensor networks
    Perception systems
    Micro robots and micro-manipulation
    Visual servoing
    Search, rescue and field robotics
    Robot sensing and data fusion
    Localization, navigation and mapping
    Dexterous manipulation
    Medical robots and bio-robotics
    Human centered systems
    Space and underwater robots
    Mechanism design and applications

    Vision Science and Engineering
    Image/video analysis
    Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation
    Scene analysis
    Pattern recognition
    Learning in vision
    Human-computer interaction
    Tracking and surveillance
    Biomedical Image analysis
    Activity/behaviour recognition