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Hybrid Event

3rd - 4th September 2025 | Milan, Italy

International Conference on Internet, E-Learning and Education (ICILE - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • e-Learning design and methodologies

    e-Learning portals

    Instructional design methodologies

    Audio and video technologies for e-Learning

    Authoring tools

    e-Learning technologies and tools

    Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning

    Content management and development

    Policy issues in e-Learning

    On-demand e-Learning

    e-Learning standards

    Assessment methodologies

    Knowledge management

    Virtual learning environments

    AI and e-Learning

    On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)

    Open-source e-Learning platforms

    Training and evaluation strategies


    Mobile computing and the internet

    Agents for internet computing

    The WWW and intranets

    Digital libraries/digital image collections

    Languages for distributed programming

    Web interfaces to databases

    User-interface/multimedia/video/audio/user interaction

    The internet and Cloud computing

    Markup Languages/HTML/XML/VRML/...

    Java applications on internet

    Alternative web lifestyles, role-playing, chat, ...

    Server space/web server performance

    Web monitoring

    Web documents management

    Web site design and coordination

    Other aspects and applications relating to internet-based computing

    Social networks

    Next generation of internet + modeling and analysis

    Traffic models and statistics


    Electronic commerce and internet

    Resource management and location

    Design and analysis of internet protocols and engineering

    Web based computing

    Web mining

    Network architectures and network computing

    Network operating systems

    Quality of service

    Wide area consistency

    Internet and emerging technologies

    Internet security and trust

    Internet law and compliance

    Internet and scalability issues

    Internet delivery and applications

    Internet telephony

    Internet based decision support systems

    Internet and enterprise management

    Internet applications and appliances

    Internet banking systems

    Internet and video technologies


    Denial of service issues

    Caching algorithms for the internet

    Grid based computing and internet tools