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Hybrid Event

4th - 5th September 2025 | Panama City, Panama

International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation and Regional Economic Development (ICETIRED - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation and Regional Economic Development
    Biotechnology diffusion
    Business, Economics and Management
    Business intelligence management
    Cluster competitiveness
    Collaborative and intelligent systems of innovation, virtual innovation environments
    Competing regions through innovation and entrepreneurship
    Corporate entrepreneurship
    Economic Management
    Entrepreneurs and metropolitan areas
    Entrepreneurship and family enterprises
    Entrepreneurship and SMEs competitiveness
    Entrepreneurship in recession economies
    Environment and Technology Management
    E-Technology adoption and semantic web services
    Ethics and entrepreneurship
    Evolution of entrepreneurship across different regions
    Green ICT and supply chains
    Green innovation
    Impact of culture on entrepreneurship
    Innovation and city competitiveness
    Innovation processes in services