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Hybrid Event

24th - 25th September 2025 | Cape Town, South Africa

International Conference on Agricultural Software and Information Management (ICASIM - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Agricultural software
    Software engineering for agricultural applications
    New technological trends in agricultural management
    Smart farming and agriculture 4.0 Computers and information technologies in agricultural production
    Farm management software systems Mobile applications and software for farm management
    Agricultural information systems
    Design of computer tools for farming, models of farming activity
    Scientific computing applied to crop management
    Precision agriculture and expert systems
    Web technologies and networking of chain of agriculture
    Remote sensing, GIS technologies and spatial management of resources Processing, sensing technologies, automation and control sciences for agriculture
    Agronomy and information and communication technologies Simulation, prediction, and crop management
    Design of ICT-intensive farming systems
    Economical and business implications of ICT in agriculture
    Information system design for agriculture and natural resources management
    Information systems and algorithmic for agriculture and natural resources management
    Data mining, data warehousing, visualization, knowledge extraction, big data management
    Interoperability, semantics and knowledge management