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Hybrid Event

5th - 6th September 2025 | Byblos, Lebanon

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Higher Education (ICETHE - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Higher education and educational technology
    Approaches to professional development and standards for disability service providers
    Assessment methodologies and rubrics in higher education
    Enhancing learning experiences in higher education
    Formal and pragmatic obstacles and opportunities in student exchange programs
    Funding resources for staff and student exchange
    Graduates job readiness
    Higher education and international student exchange
    Higher education at a time of crisis: challenges and opportunities
    Higher education relationships with orders, syndicates, and unions (e.g. Order of engineers, syndicate of pharmacists, students’ unions…)
    How to defend the yielded higher criterion to the access of regional- and local students?
    How to establish campuses as multicultural communities
    How to evaluate students’ readiness for studying abroad?