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Hybrid Event

5th - 6th September 2025 | Melbourne, Australia

International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution (ICPCR - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Art and Peace

    Conflict Resolution

    Culture and Society

    Education and Peace

    History and Peace

    Gender and Peace

    Global Political Economy

    Government and Politics

    Humanitarian Aid

    Humanitarian Disaster

    Human Rights and Security

    Internal Conflicts

    International Law and Justice

    International Relations

    International Security

    Journalism, Peace and Conflicts

    Media, Conflicts and Human Rights

    Migrations and Peace

    Military Interventions

    Peace and Conflict Resolution

    Peace and Development

    Peace Negotiation and Mediation

    Peace Theories

    Poverty and Peace

    Reconciliation and Transition

    Religion and Peace

    Security and Disarmament

    The Economy of War

    Victims of War

    Waging of Peace

    War Traumas

    War Crimes