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Hybrid Event

22nd - 23rd September 2025 | Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

International Conference on Chemistry and Computers (ICCAC - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Computers and chemistry
    Computer science for chemical research and engineering
    Computational chemistry and cheminformatics
    Modeling, numerical analysis and simulation
    Mathematical programming (optimization)
    Cyberinfrastructure, informatics and intelligent systems
    Process and product synthesis/design
    Process dynamics, control and monitoring
    Abnormal events management and process safety
    Computer aided process engineering
    Computer aided process monitoring and control
    Computer aided process and product engineering
    Software architectures for computer aided process engineering
    Modern computer software for chemical process design
    Tools for chemical product design
    Computer aided chemical engineering
    Computer aided chemical modelling and simulation
    Computer aided chemical synthesis and design
    Computer aided planning and scheduling
    Computer-aided design tools in chemical engineering process design
    Chemical information systems, software and databases, and molecular modelling
    Chemical structure representations and their use in structure
    Similarity searching of chemical substance and chemical reaction databases