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Hybrid Event

17th - 18th May 2025 | Copenhagen, Denmark

International Conference on Health Information Technology and Healthcare Efficiency (ICHITHE - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Health information technology

    Costs and benefits of health information technology

    Problems with health information technology

    Health care quality or effectiveness

    Health care productivity or efficiency

    Medical errors and health care accuracy

    Health care costs

    Administrative efficiencies and healthcare work processes

    Health informatics among health care professionals

    Types of technology

    Electronic health record

    Clinical point of care technology

    Technological innovations, opportunities and challenges

    Technological iatrogenesis

    Revenue cycle health information technology

    International comparisons through health information technology

    Patient billing

    Accounting systems

    Personnel and payroll

    Materials management

    Order entry for drugs, lab tests, procedures

    Electronic health records

    Diagnostic image archiving

    Lab results

    Clinical decision support systems

    Prescription drug fulfillment, error-alert and transcriptions

    Monitoring of patients in intensive care units

    Personal computers

    Servers and wireless network routers

    Voice recognition systems for transcription, physician orders and medical records

    Bar-coding for drugs, medical device inventory control

    Information security systems