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Hybrid Event

4th - 5th December 2025 | Omsk, Russia

International Conference on Medical Sociology, Illness and Healthcare (ICMSIH - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Health and medical sociology
    Medical sociology and illness
    Medical sociology and healthcare
    Medical sociology and social medicine
    Medical sociology and epidemiology
    Medical sociology and medical anthropology
    Medical sociology and public health
    Medical sociology and health policies
    Medical sociology and nursing
    Medical sociology and genetics
    Medical sociology and old age
    Medical sociology and addiction
    Medical sociology and gender
    Medical sociology and sociological theory
    Medical sociology and social work
    Medical sociology and empirical medicine
    Medical sociology and race
    Medical sociology and ethnicity
    Medical sociology and social role
    Medical sociology and mental health
    Medical sociology and health economy
    Medical sociology and healthcare system