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Hybrid Event

25th - 26th December 2025 | Sumgait, azerbaijan

International Conference on Innovation, Creativity and Marketing (ICICM - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Innovation and Marketing

    Incentivise and Incubate innovation

    Invest and Invent Innovation

    Industry Innovation

    Infrastructure Innovation

    Infostructure Innovation

    International Innovation

    Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Innovation

    Leadership and Innovation

    Social Innovation

    Green Innovation

    Sustainable Innovation

    Innovation Management and innovative business models

    Internet and Mobile Marketing

    Consumer Psychology and Behavior

    Managing Marketing Channels

    Personal Selling and Sales Management

    Retailing and Retail Management

    Marketing Education and Case Teaching

    Customer Relationship Management

    Marketing through Internet

    Product and Brand Management

    Services Marketing

    Emerging Issues in Marketing

    International Marketing and Cross-cultural Issues

    Marketing Communications

    Research Methods and Marketing Analytics

    Technology, Innovation, and B2B Marketing

    Food Products Marketing

    Social Media Marketing