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Hybrid Event

11th - 12th December 2025 | Austin, USA

International Conference on Consumer Psychology, Marketing and Advertising (ICCPMA - 25)









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Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Consumer behavior
    Nonconscious processes in consumer psychology
    Consumer judgment and decision processes
    Environmental influences on consumers
    Mental processes that occur outside of consumer awareness
    Automatic stereotyping and prejudice in consumer psychology
    Psychological factors influencing consumer behavior
    Consumer behavior theory
    Consumer behavior and consumer decision making
    Theoretical approaches to the study of consumer behavior
    Cognitive models of consumer behavior
    Stimulus-organism-response model of decision making
    Cognitive consumer behavior models
    Consumer decision model
    Consumer needs
    Attitude formation and change
    Reactions to persuasive communications
    Consumption experiences
    Consumer information processing
    Consumer-brand relationships
    Affective, cognitive, and motivational determinants of consumer behavior
    Family and group decision processes
    Cultural and individual differences in consumer behavior