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Hybrid Event

5th - 6th December 2025 | Tongi, Bangladesh

International Conference on Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICTIEM - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
    Best practices in particular industries
    E-business (ERP, CRM, E-Learning, BPR)
    Environment and energy
    Environmental Innovation and Sustainable Development
    Financing and commercializing innovation
    Green products and services
    Healthcare and Telemedicine
    Human resource management issues in innovation
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for sustainable development
    Innovation in services, logistics and supply chain management
    Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management
    Key Innovation technologies (nano-, bio-, ICT technology)
    Knowledge management
    Lean manufacturing
    Management information systems
    Managing collaboration
    Marketing and Logistics
    Modern Manufacturing Innovation
    Networked manufacturing
    Operation, Logistics and Supply-Chain Management Innovation
    Organizational Innovation, Institutional Innovation and Management Integration Innovation
    Project management
    Renewable energy technology
    Risk Management and Innovation
    Sustainable supply chain management
    Systems Engineering, Financial Engineering and Industrial Engineering
    Technological Innovation, Product Innovation, Industrial Innovation and Regional Innovation
    Technological innovation, product or industrial innovation
    Technology Economics and Innovation
    Technology or innovation of multinational corporations, regional or organizational innovation
    University-Industry Cooperation and Strategic Alliances