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Hybrid Event

1st - 2nd December 2025 | Changwon, South Korea

International Conference on African Diaspora for Democracy and Development (ICADDD - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Accountability, Transparency and Participation
    African Diaspora Feminism - Feminism in the African Diaspora
    African Diaspora for Democracy and Development
    African Diaspora in the Dynamics of Peace and Development
    Climate change, development, and migration: an African Diaspora perspective
    Colonialism, labor, and the African Diaspora
    Complex economic, social, and political effects of imigration on Africa
    Conceptualizations of Diaspora
    Corporate Governance,Innovative Enterprise,and Economic Development
    Diaspora, Development, and Democracy
    Education, pedagogy and psychology studies
    Exercise Science and Sport Studies
    Expressive culture in the African Diaspora
    Forms of transnational political protest in the African Diaspora
    Good governance, transparency and accountability
    Historiographical debates on the African Diaspora
    Human Rights and Human Security
    Human rights in the African Diaspora
    Identity politics in the African Diaspora
    Indian Ocean networks
    International politics in the African diaspora