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Hybrid Event

30th - 31st August 2025 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

International Conference on Veterinary Sciences and Dentistry (ICVSD - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Veterinary sciences, livestock and treatment

    Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions, diseases, and disorders of the oral cavity

    Veterinary ethics, statistics and research

    Disease prevention

    Emergency preparedness considerations for natural disaster(s) and foreign animal disease(s)

    Anatomy bases of animals used in experimental research

    Veterinary pathology

    Anesthetic techniques

    Drug administration methods

    Surgery basics

    Biological sample collection

    Preservation and monitoring of experimental animals

    Surgical microscope

    Special surgery instruments

    Surgical knots and sutures

    Vascular and nerve anastomosis on biological material

    Infectious diseases and zoonoses

    Food safety and food security

    Veterinary epidemiology/Epizootiology

    Nutrition and metabolism of disease

    Veterinary orthopedics

    Mass destruction of animals for disease control.