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Hybrid Event

14th - 15th August 2025 | Kathmandu, Nepal

International Conference on Cell Biotechnology and Biothermodynamics (ICCBB - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Enzyme systems and their applications, including enzyme reactors, purification, and applied aspects of protein engineering
    Animal-cell biotechnology, including media development
    Applied aspects of cellular physiology, metabolism, and energetics
    Biocatalysis and applied enzymology, including enzyme reactors, protein engineering, and nanobiotechnology
    Biofuels, including biomass and renewable resource engineering
    Biomaterials, including delivery systems and materials for tissue engineering
    Bioprocess engineering, including kinetics and modeling of biological systems, transport phenomena in bioreactors,
    bioreactor design, monitoring, and control
    Biosensors and instrumentation
    Computational and systems biology, including bioinformatics and genomic/proteomic studies
    Environmental biotechnology, including biofilms, algal systems, and bioremediation
    Metabolic and cellular engineering
    Plant-cell biotechnology
    Spectroscopic and other analytical techniques for biotechnological applications
    Synthetic biology
    Tissue engineering, stem-cell bioengineering, regenerative medicine, gene therapy and delivery systems