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Hybrid Event

9th - 10th August 2025 | Dunedin, New Zealand

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (ICAIEERE - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Data analytics for energy systems
    Privacy-preserving solution for energy systems
    Intelligent monitoring, protection, control, and management for transmission and distribution systems Real-time data analysis and decision making
    Distributed computing for energy systems
    Visualization for energy systems
    Semantic techniques applied in energy systems
    AI-based renewable energy integration
    Intelligent enterprise systems, e.g. intelligent outage management and demand response
    Knowledge-based systems including rule-based systems, expert systems, model-based reasoning
    Hybrid intelligent systems in energy systems
    Computational neuroscience in energy system
    Molecular and quantum computing in energy systems
    Intelligent vulnerability assessment in energy systems