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Hybrid Event

8th - 9th July 2025 | Bridgetown, Barbados

International Conference on Recent Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICRDCME - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Civil engineering

    Structural engineering

    Structural design

    Building design

    Structural pattern

    Design and analysis

    Stability, strength and rigidity of built structures

    Building structure

    Nonbuilding structure

    Mechanical structures

    Construction and structure

    Structural failure

    Base isolation system

    Seismic performance

    Functioning and safety of building structure

    Research, planning and design of permanent and temporary structures

    Construction, inspection and monitoring of permanent and temporary structures

    Maintenance, rehabilitation and demolition of permanent and temporary structures

    Technical, economic, environmental, aesthetic and social aspects of structures

    Residential and recreational developments

    Physical laws and empirical knowledge of the structural performance

    Structural elements to build complex structural systems

    Beams, columns and floors of a building

    Water and wastewater infrastructure

    Civil engineering practice

    Civil engineering works

    Civil engineering planning