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Hybrid Event

30th - 31st July 2025 | Budapest, Hungary

International Conference on Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Groundwater (ICHMCSG - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • •    Heavy metals in the environment and ecosystems
    •    Heavy metals in the environment
    •    Behaviour, cycling and pathways of metals in the environment
    •    Processes of contamination and environmental impacts to ecosystems
    •    Heavy metal toxicity and the environment
    •    Environment and humans
    •    Hazards of heavy metal contamination
    •    Toxicity of heavy metals on the environment and human health
    •    Heavy metals toxicity and the environment
    •    Heavy metals and living systems
    •    Approaches for remediation
    •    Pathways, and environmental processes
    •    Heavy metals in the atmosphere
    •    Heavy metals in oceans and marine ecosystems
    •    Heavy metals in terrestrial ecosystems
    •    Heavy metals in urban environments
    •    Radionuclides in the environment
    •    Metallic nanoparticles in the environment
    •    Technology-critical elements in the environment
    •    Environmental contamination with heavy metals
    •    Diffuse contamination sources
    •    Mining and ore refining
    •    E-waste
    •    Environmental and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments
    •    Metal pollution in ecosystems
    •    Metals from consumer goods and necessities
    •    Metal resource recovery
    •    Urban mining
    •    Recovery of metals from waste streams and secondary resources
    •    Management of metals in contaminated waste streams
    •    Cradle to cradle concepts and processes in metal management
    •    Remediation and environmental policy
    •    Technologies for control of metal emissions
    •    Remediation of heavy metal contamination in water and air
    •    Remediation and sustainable management of heavy metal contaminated soils and sediments
    •    Safe management of metal contaminated waste
    •    Health impacts and risk assessment
    •    Environmental policies, feasibility and sustainability
    •    Measurement techniques and data management technologies
    •    Advances in analytical tools and speciation analysis
    •    Advanced sensors for monitoring heavy metals in the environment
    •    GIS and data management techniques for heavy metal research