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Hybrid Event

17th - 18th July 2025 | Mogadishu, Somalia

International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management (ICIESM - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Clustering, science parks and incubation
    Communication in organizations
    Competence management
    Creation and management of family business
    Culture, networks and entrepreneurship/innovation
    Ergonomics, health, safety and environmental issues
    Finance, risk and marketing management
    Global economic and managerial issues in logistics
    Human resources management
    Humanities and management
    Innovative and creative talents management
    Innovative management
    Integrity and anticorruption
    Intercultural management-the meaning of intercultural communication in business
    International business and management studies
    International entrepreneurship
    Managerial linguistics
    Networking, social media, new methods in management
    Open innovation
    Opportunity development and the entrepreneurial process
    Organizational challenges
    Public policy and entrepreneurship/innovation
    Public relations management
    Role of higher education in entrepreneurship and innovation
    Science and technology entrepreneurship and innovation
    Social issues in management
    Strategic management