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Hybrid Event

4th - 5th June 2025 | Oslo, Norway

International Conference on Waste Management and Environmental Technology (ICWMET - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Biomass comprehensive utilization
    Chemical waste management
    Circular economy and urban mining
    Construction and demolition waste disposal and recycling
    Contaminated sites environmental regulation and governance
    End-of-life vehicle recycling
    Energy production from waste materials
    Extended Producer Responsibility
    Hazardous waste management and sound disposal
    Household waste recycling and treatment
    Industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization and disposal
    Landfill leachate disposal
    Mercury waste management and sound disposal
    Nuclear waste and environmental safety
    Nuclear Waste Management and Decommissioning
    Polymer waste utilization and pollution control
    Radioactive waste management
    Regional and sub-regional chemicals management
    Sludge management and utilization
    Social and environmental impact on waste