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Hybrid Event

21st - 22nd June 2025 | Perth, Australia

International Conference on International Relations and Globalization (ICIRG - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • International relations and foreign policy
    Theories of international relations and their reflections
    Levels of analysis and applications to the real world problems
    Institutions in international relations
    Regional studies
    Asymmetric threats and state security
    Effects of non-governmental actors on the international system
    Humanitarian intervention and sovereignty
    International migration studies, irregular migration and the issue of refugees
    State and non-state actors and their social media usage
    International organizations against global/regional issues
    Global armament/disarmament and stability of the international system
    Islamic thought in Middle Eastern and Islamic movements
    Radicalism and extremism
    Social movements and the international system
    Contemporary discussions in international security studies
    The pursuit of strategic balance in the international system
    Regional conflicts and crisis management
    Energy, the environment and climate change
    Ethnic and sectarian conflicts
    Cyber security in international relations
    Politico-economic competition in the international system
    Methods for resolution of legal and commercial contradictions in the international