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Hybrid Event

17th - 18th June 2025 | Crete, Greece

International Conference on Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation (ICWBC - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Animal and Conservation Biology
    Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation
    Animal Biology
    Animal Biology and Ecology
    Behavioral Ecology
    Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology
    Biodiversity and Conservation
    Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
    Biodiversity and Wildlife Conservation Planning
    Biological Diversity and Ecology
    Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
    Conservation and Ecology
    Conservation and Wildlife Biology
    Conservation Biology
    Conservation Biology and Ecology
    Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management
    Conservation Ecology
    Conservation Ecology and Entomology
    Conservation of Wildlife Populations
    Ecological, Zoological, Conservation, and Behavioral Biology
    Ecology and Conservation
    Ecology and Conservation Biology
    Ecology and Conservation Practice
    Ecology and Environmental Biology
    Ecology and Environmental Change