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Multidisciplinary Studies
- Mechanical engineering
- Surface engineering/coating technology
- Mechanical products design, mechanical Structures
- Mechanical Strength and Reliability
- CAD, CAM, CAE, computer modeling and simulation
- Simulation, testing, diagnosis, and control in manufacturing
- Mechanical control
- Mechanical vibration and noise
- Mechatronics, industrial robotics, automation and control
- Engineering optimization in manufacturing
- Mechanical systems
- Casting and solidification
- Coatings and surface engineering
- Composite materials, nano-materials, bio-materials
- Composites
- Micro/nano materials
- Metal alloys
- Biomaterials
- Optical/electronic/magnetic materials
- New functional materials
- New energy materials
- Construction and building materials
- Green materials
- Energy and environmental materials
- Material processing, molding technology
- Material properties, performances, characterization and applications
- Materials processing technology
- Materials forming
- Welding and joining
- Materials for energy conversion and storage
- Materials for environment preservation, energy saving and new energy
- Hybrid composites for solving ecological issues
- Exchange resin
- Adsorbent materials
- Nanofabrication, nanometrology and applications
- Nontraditional manufacturing
- Building materials
- Chemical materials
- Physics and numerical simulation of materials process
- Nano-scale and amorphous materials
- Health and biological materials
- Advanced structural materials
- Inorganic materials
- Magnetism and magnetic materials
- Functional materials
- High performance materials
- Membrane separation materials