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Hybrid Event

27th - 28th May 2025 | Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Computer Architecture and Mobile Computing (ICCAMC - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Computer engineering
    Electrical engineering and computer science
    Speech signals
    Processing methods of speech signals
    Signal, image and speech processing
    Digital representation
    Digital signal processing
    Analog signal processing
    Continuous-time signal processing
    Speech coding
    Speech conversion
    Discrete-time signal processing
    Digital signal processing
    Nonlinear signal processing
    Acquisition, manipulation, storage, transfer and output of speech signals
    Speech recognition
    Computer networks
    Coding, cryptography, and information protection
    Communications and wireless networks
    Networking for communication and sensor systems
    Computer and network security
    Computer hardware and software
    Hardware platforms
    Software applications
    Software design
    Writing software and firmware
    Hardware-software integration
    Hardware and software aspects
    Types of hardware
    Design hardware, software, firmware and manage all forms of computer systems C
    ompilers and operating systems Computer systems: architecture, parallel processing, and dependability Computer vision and robotics Embedded systems Integrated circuits, vlsi design, testing and cad Experimental computer architectures Computationally-intensive applications Physics, materials science, and engineering systems Implementation for electrical, biomedical, and defense-related fields Energy-efficient computing
    Computer architecture and design
    Digital and analog vlsi
    Embedded and reconfigurable computing
    Mobile computing
    Software/design automation
    Bio-design automation
    Synthetic biology
    Multimedia systems
    Energy-efficient computing
    High performance computing
    Operating systems
    Digital systems