Call For Paper
Multidisciplinary Studies
- Cognitive robotics
- Core issues
- Starting point
- Learning techniques
- Motor babble
- Imitation
- Knowledge acquisition
- Other architectures
- Psychological aspect of cognitive robotics
- Robotic action control
- Acquisition of action control
- Feedforward and feedback control in humans
- Feedforward and feedback control in robots
- Robotic action planning
- Human action-effect learning
- Motor babbling
- Robotic action-effect learning
- Affordance learning
- Everyday action planning
- Cognitive science to improve robots
- Robots to test cognitive science theories
- Robots to compare different cognitive architectures
- Robots to identify problems and questions about cognition
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Knowledge processing for cognitive robots
- Applications and problems
- New paradigms and perspectives
- Engineering applications
- Future directions
- Technological perspectives
- Future prospects and trends
- Recent developments
- Future technologies