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Hybrid Event

21st - 22nd May 2025 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

International Conference on Biomedical Waste Management and Disposal Methods (ICBWMDP - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Biomedical waste management
    Biomedical waste management systems
    Human toxicity of hazardous substances in biomedical waste
    Environmental impacts of biomedical waste from disposal processes
    Biomedical waste management in developing countries
    Biomedical waste recycling technologies
    Biomedical waste management and disposal strategy
    Biomedical waste management policies, procedures and strategies
    Effects on the environment and human health
    Sustainable management of biomedical waste
    Sustainable biomedical waste management
    Biomedical waste inventory management
    Biomedical waste recovery and reuse
    Human anatomical waste
    Animal waste
    Microbiology and biotechnology waste
    Waste sharps
    Soiled waste
    Solid waste
    Liquid waste
    Chemical waste