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Hybrid Event

28th - 29th May 2025 | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

International Conference on Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (ICSCOR - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Resilient supply chain management, operational resilience in industrial systems
    Reverse logistics, green supply, closed loop/knowledge-based supply chains, RFID
    Vendor/supplier selection, supplier development, purchasing management
    Disaster management
    Supply chain performance/optimisation/risk/decision making/support systems
    Responsive and reconfigurable supply chains and operations
    Materials, equipment and maintenance management in uncertain environments
    Global lean/agile supply chains and operations management
    Internal operations and systems re-engineering, improvement, optimisation
    E-commerce supply and operations management, aggregate planning, ERP, MRP, JIT
    Resilient strategic thinking and implications, organisational resilience
    Modelling, risk analysis and risk management
    Education and training
    Quality management (e.g. business excellence models, six sigma, TQM, SPC, etc.)
    Empirical research and case studies