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Hybrid Event

15th - 16th May 2025 | Karachi, Pakistan

International Conference on Biomathematics, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (ICBBBB - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Biomathematics
    Biomathematics and applications
    Biostatistics, bioinformatics and systems biology
    Bioengineering and synthetic biology
    Dynamics of infectious diseases transmission
    Dynamics of renewable resources
    Biological population problems
    Controlling infectious diseases
    Utilizing renewable resources in fishery and forestry industries
    Biomathematics with economic and conservation issues
    Mathematical modelling and simulation
    Population dynamics
    Modeling cell and molecular biology
    Modeling physiological systems
    New stochastic models in biology
    Applications of biomathematics in biology
    Statistical models and methods in biology
    Semi-markov processes with applications
    Generalizations of the cox regression model
    Statistical models and methods in reliability
    Semi-parametric inference in survival analysis
    Models and methods in longevity, aging and degradation
    Models and methods in survival analysis
    Models in biosciences and medicine