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Hybrid Event

26th - 27th April 2025 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

International Conference on Safety Food Packaging (ICSFP - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Trends in food science and nutrition
    Global and local analyses of food security and its drivers
    Food components, properties and reactions
    Food and agricultural technology and innovations
    Next generation technology and metagenomics in food and health
    Food and beverage industries and industrial applications
    Food, beverage marketing and policy
    Beverage quality analysis and effect
    Nutritional, dietary deficiencies and management
    Genetically modified foods
    Food preservation and packaging
    Different kinds of foods to be preserved and packed
    Scientific principles and traditional methods of food preservation
    Industrial and modern techniques of food preservation
    New trends in the technology of food
    Food safety standards, regulations and their impact
    Food packaging, pride and promise
    Food packaging materials and intelligent packaging
    Advanced packaging systems and machinery
    Challenges in food packaging