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Hybrid Event

15th - 16th April 2025 | Zurich, Switzerland

International Conference on Regenerative Biology and Stem Cells (ICRBSC - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Regenerative biology
    Cell differentiation
    Tissue organization
    Biomedical engineering
    Pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells
    Molecular regulation of stem cells
    Tissue organization
    Generating tissue-specific cells
    Stem cells for biomedical engineering
    Physiological and pathophysiological development of organ systems
    Regenerative rehabilitation
    Regenerative medicine
    Stem cell and regenerative medicine
    Tissue engineering and cellular therapies
    Mechanotransduction as a tool in tissue healing
    Current controversies in regenerative medicine
    The impact of rehabilitation on cellular therapies
    Regenerative rehabilitation in military medicine
    Training the transplant: implications for the treatment of neurological pathologies
    Regenerative rehabilitation in education
    Clinical innovations in regenerative rehabilitation