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Hybrid Event

30th - 1st May 2025 | Los Angeles, USA

International Conference on Petroleum Waste Management (ICPWM - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Petroleum waste treatment and pollution control
    Petroleum resources and reserves
    Waste problems in the petroleum industry
    Environmental impacts of the petroleum industry, protection options, and regulations
    Petroleum refining water/wastewater use and management
    Wastewater management for the petroleum refining and petrochemical industries
    Environmental impacts of the petroleum industry
    Pollutions and wastes from the petroleum industry
    Wastes from exploration, development, and production
    Wastes from hydrocarbon processing
    Wastes from storage, transportation, distribution, and marketing
    Environmental protection options and regulations
    Oil/water separation and treatment technologies
    Solid-waste management in the petroleum industry
    Solid wastes in the petroleum industry
    Oil-spill response
    Control and treatment of air emissions
    Control of odor