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Hybrid Event

14th - 15th April 2025 | Harare, Zimbabwe

International Conference on Mathematics of Sports and Data Analysis (ICMSDA - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Mathematics and sport science
    Mathematics in sports
    Numerical methods and data analysis in sport science
    Biomechanics and mathematical equations
    Differential equations and transform methods
    Probability and statistical inference
    Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
    Experimental biomechanics
    Applied sport and exercise physiology
    Practical applications in sport and exercise psychology
    Environmental sports physiology
    Exercise testing and prescription for health
    Strength, power and endurance for sport and exercise
    Science of physical states
    Science of biomechanics, motion and energy
    Mathematical formulae, calculus, and differential equations
    Statistics and statistical modeling for sport science
    Pressure, torque and velocity