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Hybrid Event

25th - 26th April 2025 | Bali, Indonesia

International Conference on Chinese Language, Literature and Linguistics (ICCLLL - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Application of modern technology in teaching Chinese
    Applications of discourse and corpus linguistics
    Applied linguistics and language pedagogy
    Chinese Language and literature
    Chinese language curriculum and pedagogy
    Chinese language learning and teaching
    Chinese language pedagogy and human dignity
    Chinese language pedagogy and technology
    Cross-culture communication in international Chinese language teaching
    Cultural pedagogy in the Chinese language classroom
    Integrating Chinese linguistic research and language teaching and learning
    Pre-service and in-service training of Chinese language teachers
    Recruitment of students in overseas Chinese language program
    Research and development in Chinese language teaching materials
    Research in Chinese language assessment
    Research in teaching method and post-method
    Sinology Research and Chinese language pedagogy
    Teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign language Teaching Chinese as an additional language
    Teaching Chinese to the international students
    The role of Confucius institute and Challenge it faces in globalized Chinese Education