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Hybrid Event

24th - 25th March 2025 | Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

International Conference on Forest Finance and Strategic Planning (ICFFSP - 25)









Call For Paper

Multidisciplinary Studies

  • Forest finance
    Sustainable forest finance
    Forest finance and taxation
    Forest finance and sustainability
    Forest finance and strategic planning
    Forest management decisions
    Sustainable financing for forest and landscape restoration
    Forest management and planning
    Climate change and worldwide implications for businesses and investors
    Sustainable forest finance and investment
    Strategies and innovative financing mechanisms for forestry investing
    Managing risks and returns within global forestry
    Sustainability criteria, standards and certification for forestry and biomass
    Promoting investments in productive forests
    Achieving green growth and climate goals
    The future for forestry and its role as a sustainable solution
    Recent developments in policy, economics and financing in forestry
    New investment opportunities and risks
    Leadership in domestic forest finance