Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

  • Translational bioinformatics
  • Medical informatics
  • Clinical research informatics
  • Nursing informatics
  • Consumer health informatics
  • Public health informatics
  • Image informatics
  • Pharmacy informatics
  • Aged Care Informatics
  • Measuring/improving patient safety and reducing medical errors
  • Enhancing care outcomes towards a cost-effective, sustainable healthcare
  • Enabling the continuity of care and the management of chronic disease conditions
  • Supporting clinical practice at a distance
  • Assuring information system security and personal privacy
  • Designing usable resources and systems
  • Incorporating innovation in eHealth
  • Assuring success in Health IT project management
  • Responding to population and global health issues
  • Promoting participatory health, patient-centered care and preventive medicine
  • Enabling personalized and precision medicine
  • Facilitating clinical and translational research
  • Improving the education and skills training of health professionals and health informatics specialists
  • Natural-language and speech processing
  • Text mining
  • Image and biosignal processing
  • Molecular data processing
  • Data integration
  • Data mining, machine learning, predictive modeling
  • Data visualization
  • High-performance and large-scale computing
  • Modeling and simulation of human patho/physiology/anatomy
  • Information processing in clinical research and trials
  • Controlled terminologies and vocabularies
  • Ontologies, knowledge bases, data models and metadata
  • Knowledge acquisition and processing
  • Semantic Web
  • Health information portals and digital libraries
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Hospital and clinical Information Systems
  • Medical image management, including standards
  • Standards for exchanging health information
  • ehealth standards development projects
  • Electronic prescription and computerized provider order entry
  • Nursing information systems
  • Clinical decision support and guideline systems and protocols
  • ehealth tools for health authorities and professionals
  • Standards and guidelines for Telehealth and Telemedicine
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of Telehealth solutions
  • Mobile technology (m-Health), apps and sensors
  • Ubiquitous (u-Health), pervasive computing
  • Web-based interventions, web 2.0, social media and networks
  • Patient Portals and Personal Health Records and systems
  • Robotics and Virtual Reality systems (eg. surgery)
  • Aged care systems and solutions for people with special needs
  • Usability, human-computer interaction, natural user interfaces
  • Cognitive models and problem solving
  • Change management and projects planning and implementation
  • Open data and open source systems
  • Privacy, confidentiality and security protection (eg, cryptography)
  • National and international health IT projects
  • Disaster and pandemic preparedness
  • Biosurveillance and population health monitoring
  • Education and training of health professionals and specialists
  • e-learning environments and MOOC
  • Citizens’ access to Health and wellness information
  • Empirical research and evaluation
  • Economic and cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Socio-organizational impact, quality assessment and improvement
  • Barriers to clinical system implementation
  • Informatics policies and ethical issues

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+91 9789129171